With over 25 years of experience, I provide personalised therapy that empowers lasting change. Your unique needs and goals are at the heart of our work together.
Men's Health
I have worked with clients for over 20 years now and though I see a lot of similar problems, caused by similar issues, all my sessions are tailored to meet the individuals need. Below are some common men’s issues though, whatever sex-related issue you may be having, feel free to get in touch.
I know this kind of thing is embarrassing, but the embarrassment soon passes and what’s a little embarrassment if it leads to getting your issues sorted. I look forward to hearing from you.
Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction was considered an issue only for older men and generally fixed by the little blue pill (Viagra).
In recent years there has been a huge rise in erectile dysfunction (ED) in the under 40s. It has become such an issue that the medical profession has even coined the term ‘Millennial ED’.
The issue with taking Viagra is that it has several side effects (headaches, high blood pressure etc). Plus, it means that you always have to plan when you’re going to have sex, as it takes 30 minutes to an hour to start working. That’s if it works, as our mind can still override Viagra, sadly and stop it from working.
Some men find it difficult to get hard when they are with sexual partners, and other men get hard but later lose their erections, which may or may not come back during sex.
There are several common reasons for erectile dysfunction:
What should generally happen is a sexual stimulus and then a response – an erection. However, it can only take one or two failed attempts, for whatever reason, for it to go, stimulus – excessive thoughts/worries – perhaps a response. We get into our heads about it, and nothing much happens in the erection department.
Over, generally four sessions, I use a mix of hypnosis to help clear any worries, behavioural conditioning, psycho-education (explaining what’s going on for you and why), and easy homework. These together can make a real difference to the issue and get you back on track.
To have a friendly, confidential chat or to book a session please Email, call/text/whatsapp 07305 507124
Erectile Dysfunction -//- Premature Ejaculation -//- Delayed/No Ejaculation -//- Low Libido
Premature Ejaculation
1 in 3 men suffers from premature ejaculation, though most never talk about it and just settle for quick, often awkward sex.
The odd thing is that cumming quickly is man’s default state. When we evolved all those thousands of years ago we were not the dominant species on the planet. This meant that we had to have sex very quickly, usually in caves, out of the way of larger predators.
With this in mind, it’s not surprising that so many men cum quickly.
Learning control over your orgasms is the same as learning any other skill. And as a skill the more you practice the better you get at it.
Over two to four sessions, I will use hypnosis to help speed up the learning process of the new skill, and explain a range of techniques that will give you more control over your orgasms.
To have a friendly, confidential chat or to book a session please Email, call/text/whatsapp 07305 507124
Erectile Dysfunction -//- Premature Ejaculation -//- Delayed/No Ejaculation -//- Low Libido
Delayed/No Ejaculation (Anorgasmia)
This is an issue that I’m seeing with client’s more and more; men who are struggling to cum. They either do not cum at all or find it a challenge.
This is generally due to one of two reasons:
- Porn – usually when someone flicks from scene to scene
- Desensitising of your penis over time
Our subconscious, the more powerful part of our brain, is programmed by our conscious. If you watch porn and swap from scene to scene our subconscious gets the idea that what really turns us on is lots of fast-paced sex. When we have one person in front of us, who doesn’t change every 30 seconds, our subconscious gets confused, and it’s hard to push to the point where we cum. (I explain a lot more about how this works in our sessions).
Or, imagine rubbing a point on the back of your hand over and over, sometimes several times a day, for perhaps 20 years. Do you think you’d feel much in that part of your hand? The same goes for our cocks. Play with them enough, and they can start to lose feeling.
With a mix of psycho-education, behavioural programming and hypnosis, it is possible to retrain the subconscious to look for what really turns you on. At least to help it understand that what is in front of it is important.
It’s not really possible to re-sensitise our dicks. However, how we react to sex is very much mind dependent, and by using hypnosis, it’s possible to ensure that your mind is really on your side.
To have a friendly, confidential chat or to book a session please Email, call/text/whatsapp 07305 507124
Erectile Dysfunction -//- Premature Ejaculation -//- Delayed/No Ejaculation -//- Low Libido
Low Libido
I have many clients who feel like they ‘should’ be having lots of sex, but they really cannot be bothered. Or they feel like they used to want sex all the time, and again, they are just in no mood.
Perhaps this is with a partner or just in general. Either way, these issues can leave us feeling down or even depressed.
Several reasons can lead to low libido, including:
- Low testosterone – for various reasons – lack of Vitamin D, weight issues, medication, depression, lack of exercise… and many others.
- Social comparison – dating apps, social media, TV gives the impression that everyone is having loads of sex.
- Unrealistic expectations – at 20 you might have wanted lots of sex, but at 40 perhaps you might think you do, but actually, you’ve had a fair amount of it over the years and might want to do something else instead, which leaves you feeling at odds.
- Confidence/self-esteem issues.
- You get validation through sex, which can lead to disappointments if you feel you’re not having/wanting sex.
Plus, many other reasons that we can talk about during therapy.
Whatever the issue, get in touch and see how I can help 🙂
To have a friendly, confidential chat or to book a session please Email, call/text/whatsapp 07305 507124
Erectile Dysfunction -//- Premature Ejaculation -//- Delayed/No Ejaculation -//- Low Libido
I’ve been helping clients for 25 years. Though everyone’s needs are unique, I’ve seen common issues in men. No matter what you’re struggling with, don’t hesitate to reach out. Don’t let embarrassment hold you back from finding a solution. Contact me today.
Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction was considered an issue only for older men and was generally fixed by the little blue pill (Viagra).
In recent years there has been a huge rise in Erectile Dysfunction (ED) in the under 40s. It has become such an issue that the medical profession has even coined the term ‘Millennial ED’.
The issue with taking Viagra is that it has several side effects (headaches, high blood pressure etc). Plus, it means that you always have to plan when you’re going to have sex, as it takes 30 minutes to an hour to start working. That’s if it works, as our mind can still override Viagra, sadly and stop it from working.
Some men find it difficult to get hard when they are with sexual partners, and other men get hard but later lose their erections, which may or may not come back during sex.
There are several common reasons for erectile dysfunction:
What should generally happen is a sexual stimulus and then a response – an erection. However, it can only take one or two failed attempts, for whatever reason, for it to go, stimulus – excessive thoughts/worries – perhaps a response. We get into our heads about it, and nothing much happens in the erection department.
Over, generally four sessions, I use a mix of hypnosis to help clear any worries, behavioural conditioning, psycho-education (explaining what’s going on for you and why), and easy homework. These together can make a real difference to the issue and get you back on track.
Premature Ejaculation
1 in 3 men suffers from premature ejaculation, though most never talk about it and just settle for quick, often awkward sex.
The odd thing is that cumming quickly is man’s default state. When we evolved all those thousands of years ago we were not the dominant species on the planet. This meant that we had to have sex very quickly, usually in caves, out of the way of larger predators.
With this in mind, it’s not surprising that so many men cum quickly.
Learning control over your orgasms is the same as learning any other skill. And as a skill the more you practice the better you get at it.
Over two to four sessions, I will use hypnosis to help speed up the learning process of the new skill, and explain a range of techniques that will give you more control over your orgasms.
Delayed/No Ejaculation (Anorgasmia)
This is an issue that I’m seeing with client’s more and more; men who are struggling to cum. They either do not cum at all or find it a challenge.
This is generally due to one of two reasons:
- Porn – usually when someone flicks from scene to scene.
- Desensitising of your penis over time.
Our subconscious, the more powerful part of our brain, is programmed by our conscious. If you watch porn and swap from scene to scene our subconscious gets the idea that what really turns us on is lots of fast-paced sex. When we have one person in front of us, who doesn’t change every 30 seconds, our subconscious gets confused, and it’s hard to push to the point where we cum. (I explain a lot more about how this works in our sessions).
Or, imagine rubbing a point on the back of your hand over and over, sometimes several times a day, for perhaps 20 years. Do you think you’d feel much in that part of your hand? The same goes for our cocks. Play with them enough, and they can start to lose feeling.
With a mix of psycho-education, behavioural programming and hypnosis, it is possible to retrain the subconscious to look for what really turns you on. At least to help it understand that what is in front of it is important.
It’s not really possible to re-sensitise our dicks. However, how we react to sex is very much mind dependent, and by using hypnosis, it’s possible to ensure that your mind is really on your side.
Low Libido
I have many clients who feel like they ‘should’ be having lots of sex, but they really cannot be bothered. Or they feel like they used to want sex all the time, and again, they are just in no mood.
Perhaps this is with a partner or just in general. Either way, these issues can leave us feeling down or even depressed.
Several reasons can lead to low libido, including:
- Low testosterone – for various reasons – lack of Vitamin D, weight issues, medication, depression, lack of exercise… and many others.
- Social comparison – dating apps, social media, TV gives the impression that everyone is having loads of sex.
- Unrealistic expectations – at 20 you might have wanted lots of sex, but at 40 perhaps you might think you do, but actually, you’ve had a fair amount of it over the years and might want to do something else instead, which leaves you feeling at odds.
- Confidence/self-esteem issues.
- You get validation through sex, which can lead to disappointments if you feel you’re not having/wanting sex.
Plus, many other reasons that we can talk about during therapy.